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Pediatricians Leverage Virtual Visits in Innovative Ways to Help Patients

Pediatric Telemedicine Case Study

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In This Case Study, Learn New Strategies for Keeping Patients Connected to Your Care:

    • Manage your schedule

    • Choose partners who support your patients and practice

    • Keep patients in the Medical Home

As the popularity of telehealth continues to increase, pediatric practices are developing new strategies for virtual visits. Acorn Pediatrics and ZZ Pediatrics are two practices that leverage the Anytime Pediatrics platform in innovative ways.

Key Takeaways

  • Virtual visits help providers keep a manageable work-life balance.

  • Telehealth means a reduced workload because appointments are shorter.

  • Virtual visits allow clinicians to provide care from anywhere and patients to receive care from anywhere.

Onboarding Anytime Pediatrics

When Dr. Iwashyna decided to start a new practice, he worried about his patients, especially those with complicated medical histories. He wondered where they would get care during the transition. “Telemedicine seemed like a great solution to be able to see patients and do consultations,” Dr. Alex Iwashyna explained.

The Iwashynas praised Anytime Pediatrics for the quick implementation process and the company’s responsiveness during setup. “For me, as the pediatrician, Anytime Pediatrics makes things easier, especially getting set up with insurance companies and doing cash only,” Dr. Iwashyna said. “It was awesome to have patients put in their credit card before the appointment. It made billing so much easier.”

Maintaining a Community with Telehealth

Even with the temporary virtual-only practice, new patients came. “Telehealth made that first month without an office much less overwhelming because our patients could talk to us and see Scott,” Alex added. “They felt like they were a part of our new practice before it was there.”

Telemedicine has helped the Iwashynas with their work-life balance, allowing them to work around their family’s schedule. “We have three kids doing different amounts of virtual school,” Dr. Iwashyna shared. “The flexibility of being able to schedule with Anytime has been super helpful. There have been times when we’ve scheduled mental or behavioral health follow-ups at 7:30 or 8:30 at night when our kids are in bed.”

Preparing for the Future with Telemedicine

As the Iwashynas get closer to opening their new office, they plan to continue using telemedicine as often as possible. Virtual visits during the pandemic mean less exposure to patients and staff. Telemedicine also provides a way to offer evening appointments to parents who work outside the home and to accommodate patients whose parents might not be in the same physical location.

Dr. Iwashyna and Alex refer to Anytime Pediatrics as a “fantastic” platform, and they are thankful for the exceptional customer support they’ve received. “I never felt like I was dealing with something I didn’t understand,” Alex noted. “There are a lot of telehealth companies out there, but I’d very surprised if they were as responsive and made you feel like they were on your team like Anytime Pediatrics.”

The Challenge

Dr. Scott Iwashyna of Acorn Pediatrics is a well-known pediatrician in the Richmond, Virginia, area. He and his wife, Dr. Alex Iwashyna, who manages the business side, have been operating the practice virtually. They needed a way to stay connected with patients as they transitioned to a new brick-and-mortar location.

The Solution

Acorn Pediatrics implemented Anytime Pediatrics and began using it for sick visits, consultations, medication checks, and even well-child checks. The Iwashynas liked the platform’s HIPAA compliance and the easy payment options.

The Challenge

Dr. Amanda Harding operates ZZ Pediatrics, a completely virtual practice. She wanted a HIPAA-compliant telemedicine solution that would allow her to see patients and help keep them out of the ER.

The Solution

Dr. Harding onboarded Anytime Pediatrics and uses it in combination with a tiered membership program, which allows patients 24/7 access to her. Her practice is based in Colorado, and she has recently expanded to Michigan.

Improving Virtual Practice with Video Visits

Although she has always offered her patients 24/7 access to her through phone calls, Dr. Harding began providing that service virtually two years ago. Now, with a totally virtual practice, Dr. Harding charges a low, fixed monthly fee for unlimited access to her pediatric services. She also requires all patients to purchase a kit that includes a thermometer, pulse oximeter, and camera.

By leveraging that equipment and Anytime Pediatrics, Dr. Harding is able to see inside a child’s ears and send a prescription for antibiotics if there’s an infection. When a child is having breathing issues, she can look at oxygen levels from the pulse ox and encourage parents to try steam, instead of going to the ER.

Managing Workload & Planning for Expansion

Dr. Harding has found that she prefers virtual visits because they do not add to her workload. “For the most part, virtual visits are actually pretty quick, and I think telemedicine reduces workload,” she explained. “The kits are key. I don’t need staff to do vitals because the parents do that. Being available to see patients virtually also decreases the tendency to go online and research things that are incorrect or go to an ER that’s for adults.”

As Dr. Harding expands her virtual practice into more states, some new patients have found her through Anytime Pediatrics, and patient feedback has been positive. “I can provide great care from anywhere as long as the families have the tools they need,” she said. “If I have a way to see the child, we can have a conversation and I can look in the ears if necessary, it really doesn’t make a difference where we are.”